Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Can't figure out why?

So my husband thinks that it is really weird that I don't like him racing his dirtbike. To me, it all makes sense just by looking at the pictures, but to him, he wonders why I can't be the supportive wife that wants him to go out and do these things intentionally to his body. Well, let's just say, "Babe, 3 strikes and your out"! Of course, I'm sure he will get his way, he already has a race booked for April 4th. Like Aspyn says, " Mom, it is the good thing you have your policy"!!!


Hotzebra said...

Old captain crash in his usual position after a hard days ride and a helicopter ride home. Chill out Becca, I'ts not that big of a deal. He can still work in a wheel chair. At walmart as the greeter. Be a cool wife and let him race!

Duncahoo said...

Don't you just love all the dumb things our husbands do!! Hey Becca just wanted to say hi and congrats on the new baby coming!

Sunshine said...

When I first saw the date on your blog (of the post) and the picture of Andy in the wheelchair, I thought, OH NO! NOT AGAIN!
If Kyle ever gets hurt on his motorcyle I will be so mad at him. I'm glad he's not as daring as Andy.

Tiff said...

That is so crappy - I am glad you finally updated your blog I just checked it and was excited you had so many new posts! Way to go -

HaLaine said...

Well, like you said a few posts back...Boys will be Boys.

Kabe and Cass said...

Hey Becca its Cassidy Washburn. That is so funny. I would feel the same way if kabe ever looked like that. Hope hes doin better.

Molly said...

I'm on your side Becca! You have so many new posts! Luv it!