Saturday, July 12, 2008

Charlie bit my finger

More from celly at Myxer

So my kids have been obsessed with this you tube video for the past month. It is really pretty dumb, but the more you watch it, the funnier it gets. I'm not kidding, I think that I have seen it about 30 times. We just sit around the computer and laugh our heads off at this cute little kid! Check it out if you have a sec!


Marianne Martin said...

This is so funny. Did you ever watch the re-make with the college boys. Pretty funny! But I think you need to be really tired to enjoy it.

Sunshine said...

My boys love that one too. Treyce taught Bentley to bite him just so he can talk with a british accent & say "Charlie bit me....aww Charlie that really hurt."

Molly said...

My neighbor was telling about this! Too bad the volume on my computer doesn't work!